diary of me

this diary tells a part of my story, b cos im a kind of introvert person, somehow i need to explore what's in my heart, but its hard to speak up, this diary help me more than what im hoping to.

Monday, September 19, 2005

hello again

wah..ternyata masih ada, padahal udah hampir setaon ni blog gak pernah ditengok tengok.
hmmm.......ya gitu deh hampir gak ada waktu buat ngotak atik lagi, email yahoo, friendster, situs-situs favorit dah jarang lagi dikunjungin. Dah lupa kali kalo gw punya blog tempat curhat. there something made me remind of my blog. Its about a young misterious blogger who died 2 hours after she posted her last posting in her blog. she wrote about her nitghtmare. Not so long it happenned to her. Really it's a sad sad story.
Terlepas dari kontradiksi antara real atau nggaknya this blogger, isi blog nya menyentuh banget. apalagi ditambah backsound musik 'somewhere out there', bikin gw ngerasa ada di antah berantah, sendiri dan hilang....
Dah ah...balik dulu.daaaah....sweet dream.